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Department of

Textile Engineering

Date: 2021-11-25

DTE, AUST delegate visited a renowned textile industry

A high-profile delegate of the Department of Textile Engineering of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (DTE, AUST) led by the Head of the Department Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral visited the Fakir Fashion Limited (FFL), Narayanganj on 17 November 2021. Formal presentations were given by Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral of AUST and Md. Sabbir Hossain, Manager, (HR), FFL on their respective organizations. Afterward, there was an open discussion on the technical and other skills of textile graduates required for our textile sector which needs leaders to cope with the current transformation and changes in terms of circular economy and sustainability. Among others, Mr. Sultan Mahbubul Haque, GM, (HR, Admin and Compliance), and Mr. Md. Sabbir Hossain from FFL; and Associate Professor Mr. Ruhul Amin, Associate Professor Mr. Mohammad Faizur Rahman, Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Tajul Islam, Associate Professor Mr. Subrata Kumar Saha, and Assistant Professor Ms. Sonia Hossain from AUST took part in the discussion. The Human Resource Department of FFL mentioned that they find Textile Engineering and IPE graduates of AUST technically sound and capable. Finally, Mr. Sajeeb Sarker, Executive (HR) showed the premises of FFL.

Earlier, Mr. Md. Sabbir Hossain and Mr. Sajeeb Sarker cordially welcomed the delegate of AUST. Alumni of AUST currently working at FFL also paid a visit to the delegate of AUST.

DTE, AUST restated its keenness in future collaboration with FFL especially around research and development as the industry-academia partnership is required not only for mutual benefits but also for the sustainable growth of the country’s textile trade through sharing knowledge. FFL also showed a similar interest and agreed to explore supportive scopes to establish collaboration in near future.

Head of DTE, AUST and Manager HR, FFL presenting the profile of their respective organization


Open discussion among the participants of DTE, AUST and FFL


Photo captured during the onsite visit of FFL by AUST delegate