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Department of

Textile Engineering

Date: 2023-01-05

Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral, HOD, DTE, and Mr. Kazi Rezwan Hossain, Lecturer, DTE attended the 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2022)

Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral, Head, Department of Textile Engineering, AUST, attended as a session chair, and Mr. Kazi Rezwan Hossain, Lecturer (Grade-I), Department of Textile Engineering, AUST, presented his research paper titled “Opportunities and Challenges for Bangladesh's Clothing Industry in the Circular Economy” at the 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2022) held on 22-24 December 2022 at KUET, Khulna. The conference was hosted by the faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET). It was an excellent event for researchers and industrial communities to meet, discuss and share their research outcomes in Mechanical, Industrial, Energy, Leather, Textile, Mechatronics, and Chemical Engineering.

For more information can be found in this web:

Fig 1: Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral is receiving a token of appreciation for attending as a session Chair
Fig 2: Mr. Kazi Rezwan Hossain is receiving a certificate for presenting a research paper
Fig 3: Session Chairs and paper presenters of the conference
Fig 4: Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral and Mr. Kazi Rezwan Hossain are in infront of the Mechanical Engineering building, KUET