Augmentation of Thermal Conductivity for Polypropylene / Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Based Composites Filled by Organic and Inorganic Particles, Universal Journal of Materials Science, 2018, Publisher: Horizon Research Publishing. URL
Fatigue Life Dependency on the Cleanliness and Ductility of Structural Steels, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, Publisher: IOP Publishing. URL
Conference Proceedings
Synergism of Thermal Conductivity Enhancement in Binary Polymer Matrix by Binary Nano Particle Reinforced Composite, 658th International Conference Engineering, Technology and Innovation, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia. URL
Characterization of bamboo fibers underscoring node effects, The 91st Textile Institute World Conference, 2018, Textile Institute (TI). URL
Characterization of Bamboo Composites Underscoring Node Effects, The 91st Textile Institute World Conference, 2018, Textile Institute (TI). URL
“Fatigue Life Dependency on the Cleanliness and Ductility of Structural Steels”, published in Proceedings of 4th International Conference On Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, 4th International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials (SPPM 2018) 1–3 March 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2018, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, BUET. URL
Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Polypropylene Based Composites Filled by Organic and Inorganic Particles., 4th International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials (SPPM 2018) 1–3 March 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2018, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, BUET. URL