Master of Science (MSc), (Textile Engineering (Fabric Manufacturing)), Bangladesh University of Textiles, Dhaka
Bachelor of Science (BSc), (Textile Technonogy), University of Dhaka
Honors and Achievements
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Structural Impact on Some Common Physical Properties of Single Jersey Weft Knit Fabric, AATCC Journal of Research, 2021, AATCC. URL
Esterification of starch in search of a biodegradable thermoplastic material, Journal of Polymer Research, 2020, Springer. URL
Natural Fiber Reinforced Starch Based Biocomposites, Polymer Science, Series A, 2019, Pleiades Publishing Ltd.. URL
Effect of Heald Shafts Position on Fabric Properties, Published in Bangladesh Journal of Textile Science & Engineering (BJTSE), 2014.
Efficiency Analysis in Rapier Loom, International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS, 2011, IJENS. URL
Conference Proceedings
Analysis of Pilling Performance of different Fabric Structures with respect to Yarn Count and Pick density, Annals of the University of Oradea, Fascicle of Textiles, Leatherwork, 2015, Oradea University Press. URL
Effect of Weave Structure on Weaving Performance and Fabric Properties, 13th Annual Paper Meet, 2010, Mechanical Engineering Division, IEB.