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Department of

Textile Engineering

Date: 2022-01-27

A learning session: Effective Time Management

A learning session titled ‘Effective Time Management' was held virtually using Microsoft Team on 27 January 2022 for the final year students of the Department of Textile Engineering. This event was jointly organized by DTE, AUST, and Intertek Bangladesh under the umbrella of “Unmesh”- an Industry-Academia collaboration initiative of Intertek.  Mr. A Rahman Ovi, HR Officer, Intertek Bangladesh moderated the training session and invited the Vice-Chancellor of AUST to say a few words at the beginning of the session. Professor Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi, Vice-Chancellor, AUST highlighted the importance of effective use of time to keep harmony in the busy schedule of our life in place. He thanked the organizers and congratulated the participants in advance.

Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Hassan, Senior Manager (Training), Intertek Bangladesh conducted the session for one hour. About 140 students and faculty members attended the virtual session and the trainer made the session very interactive. There was a question and answer (Q&A) session at the end of the training program.

Finally, the program ended with a vote of thanks given by Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Tajul Islam FSDC, CText FTI who thanked the participants and especially the Intertek Bangladesh for attending and arranging such an important learning session for the students of DTE, AUST, respectively. He shared how he and his friend Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam, Assistant Manager, Intertek Bangladesh came up with the idea of collaboration between these two organizations. Dr. Tajul also hopes that the cooperation between AUST and Intertek Bangladesh will be strengthened in the coming future.