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TENDER NOTICE Job Opportunity: Research Assistant for AUST Internal Research Project Notice (Alumni Election) Notification (25% semester fee waiver for Fall-2023 Semester) Alumni Election of the Department of Civil Engineering, AUST (2025-2026) Notification (Christmas Day) Tuition Award - FFTA & HFTA Advertisement for Research Assistant (RA) – Free Space Optical Communication System Project Notification regarding application for semester grade sheet of Fall 2023 Reception and Orientation Program for Newly Admitted Students of Spring-2024 Semester Corrigenda of Tender Gradutate Notification: Bachelor of Architecture, Fall 2023 Notice for Research Assistant Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Business Administration, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Spring 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Fall 2023 Notification (Rules regarding Carry/Clearance/improvement examinations) Notification (Victory Day) Notification (Distressed Students' Welfare Fund (DSWF)) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2023 Schedule (Revised) of Semester Carryover/Clearance/Improvement Examination: Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 Notice (Improvement Examination) MoU Signing Ceremony Between the Department of Civil Engineering, AUST and Shanta Holdings Limited Congratulations on QS World University Rankings: Asia 2025 Achievement Research Assistant Needed Office Order (Assistant Proctor) Academic calendar - M.S. in Mathematics Program, Spring 2024 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Spring 2023 Notification (Expression of Interest (EOI) For Consultancy Service) Graduate Notification: Master of Science in Mathematics, Fall 2023 Payment of Semester Fees, and Re-admission, Spring -2024 NOTIFICATION (SIBLING/SPOUSE QUOTA) Elected Executive Committee (AAAEEE 2025 - 2026) Notification (ID Card) Seminar on "Fostering Mental Wellbeing" Workshop on "Hands-on Training on Office Management Tools” TENDER INVITATION Graduate Notification: Master of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Layers of Imagination: Three-day Long Exhibition in the Department of Architecture, AUST TENDER INVITATION Academic Calendar (Spring 2024)


Date: 2017-12-30

Seminar on "Role of IoT in Energy Efficiency in a Smart City"

On December 23rd, 2017, IEEE AUST Student Branch organized and hosted a Seminar on "Role of IoT in Energy Efficiency in a Smart City". The keynote speaker for this event was Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman, President-Elect 2016-2017, IEEE Power and Energy Society. The seminar started at 3:15 pm in the Seminar Hall of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Head of the Electrical and Electronic Department, Prof. Dr. SatyendraNath Biswas, along with other faculty members were present in this seminar.

During the first half of his talk, Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman talked about the benefits of joining IEEE, and also about the culture of IEEE and IEEE PES all around the world. He then moved on to talk about Iot, how it is being developed, what are the future applications and how can we integrate this technology to existing infrastructures in order to make them smart and energy efficient. He gave lots of real life examples in order to make the crowd better understand about the topic of the days talk.

Finally towards the end of the seminar, a question and answer round was held where the audiences were given the chance to ask anything they wanted to about this topic. Moreover, he even gave valuable insights on how to apply abroad for higher studies, what are the steps in order to convince a professor for a research proposal, and what needs to be done by a student in order to increase their chances of getting into a university abroad to pursue higher education.

The seminar finally concluded at 4:45 pm sharp, when the guest of honour was given a crest by Prof. Dr. Abdur Rahim Mollah, Professor and Dean, as a memento, and a group picture was taken to capture this moment.