Date: 2022-04-20
An introductory meeting of COL TEL AUST Project (Phase III) took place on 13th April 2022 for TEL Benchmarking using the Toolkit provided by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). PoC and the Lead coordinator of the project, Prof. Dr. Kazi A. Kalpoma inaugurated the meeting. During the meeting session, COL Consultant Dr. Philip Uys described the Benchmarking Toolkit and focused on future plans of action. 20 Team members of TEL Benchmarking for COL-TEL AUST Project (Phase III) were present at the meeting. Among others, the project co-coordinators, Mr. Mohammad Moinul Hoque, Associate Professor of CSE Dept., and Mr. Md. Khairul Hasan, Associate Professor of CSE Dept. was also present there. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada, has taken initiative under Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL) to assist the educational institutions in the Commonwealth in systematically integrating information and communication technology for teaching and learning. AUST is the only leading university in Bangladesh in TEL implementation with the support of COL.