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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2021-09-04

Webinar on Higher Education in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 Saturday, 4th September, 2021

A webinar on "Higher Education in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0" with Prof. Dr. A. S. M. A. Haseeb, Dean, Innovative Industry and Sustainability Science, Institute of Research Management and Monitoring and Professor of Materials Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was held on 4th September, 2021 (Saturday) at 10:00 a.m. (Dhaka Time). This program was the first of the three-part series organized by the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Prof. Dr. Md Sazzad Hossain, Member, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) & Director Bangladesh Satellite Company Ltd. (BSCL) graced the webinar as chief guest; Prof. Dr. M. Shamim Bosunia, PEng, Emeritus Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Asia Pacific (UAP); Former Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUET and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Rafiqul Islam Vice-Chancellor, Islamic University of Technology (IUT) was as special guests. Professor Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi, Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST)  graced the inaugural session as the Chief Patron.

In this talk, Professor Haseeb shared with us the roles that higher learning institutes prepare to help produce the workforce for this new world and the student experience to match in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Researchers predict that IR 4.0 will necessitate profound changes in major aspects of education. This talk first presented an overview of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and  followed by an analysis of how IR 4.0 is likely to impact higher education.

Webinar program on Higher Education in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Speech by Speaker, Prof. Dr. A. S. M. A. Haseeb