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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2023-10-16

Workshop to Incorporate Complex Engineering Problems (CEP) and Complex Engineering Activities (CEA) in Undergrad Projects

On October 11, 2023, the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) at the prestigious institution, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), organized a session that delved deep into the importance of incorporating Complex Engineering Problems (CEP) and Complex Engineering Activities (CEA) into undergraduate projects.

The Head of the Department, Prof. Dr. Mazharul Islam led the event, who shed light on the significance and intricacies of CEP and CEA. In the ever-evolving field of engineering, it is essential to equip faculties with the skills to tackle complex, multifaceted problems. This is where CEP and CEA come into play. Prof. Dr. Mazharul Islam, a leading expert in the field, commenced the session by explaining the importance of integrating complex engineering problems and activities into undergraduate projects.


Later on, two distinguished faculty members from MPE department, Mr. Zahid Hasan Shuvo, Assistant Professor, and Ms. Mahjabin Moon, Lecturer (G-I) took the stage to provide valuable insights into the case studies for mapping the COs and POs with the projects. These two faculty members explained how to fill up the internal audit and moderation for projects with CEP and CEA. They both took two innovative projects as examples to understand the problems and define them correctly.


The session saw active participation from all the faculty members of MPE department, emphasizing their commitment to the topic. A dedicated Q/A session provided participants with the opportunity to seek clarification and receive guidance, fostering a collaborative learning environment.