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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2024-02-22

Students from level-3, term-1 developed “Automated Garbage Sorting Bin” as a project in Product Design and Development Sessional

We’ve developed an “Automated Garbage Sorting Bin” utilizing advanced AI technology to effectively segregate recyclable and non-recyclable waste with a current accuracy exceeding 80%. Employing an AI model, the bin will accurately identify paper, metal, glass, plastic, and biological wastes. It also features a smart waste collection system that notifies garbage collectors when the bin reaches its full capacity. We aim to create a user-friendly website where users can access real-time information about the bin's contents, including the types and weights of waste present, along with their corresponding values in Bangladeshi Taka and it will seamlessly deposit money into users' E-wallets after each successful waste collection. Furthermore, by integrating Bangladeshi datasets, we will enhance the accuracy of the AI model, contributing to the development of a comprehensive smart waste management solution for Smart Bangladesh, and aligning with our vision for a sustainable future.

The Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and City Corporation plan to implement this project by naming it “Smart Borjo Bebosthapona” in Dhaka North/South City Corporation after the final development.

Level-3, term-1 students with their “Automated Garbage Sorting Bin” at IPE Product Showcasing on 24th January 2024