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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2022-08-11

2nd seminar of the “Pathway to Research Culture” series titled, “An Introduction to Economic Tools of Pollution Management”

The 2nd seminar of the “Pathway to Research Culture” series titled, “An Introduction to Economic Tools of Pollution Management” was organized on 11th August 2022 at 3:30 PM at the Jury Room of AUST and also streamed via Zoom platform.

Dr. Rafat Alam, who is an Associate Professor and Discipline Coordinator of Economics at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada was the guest speaker of the seminar. Dr. Alam is also the president of the MacEwan University faculty association and a member of the University’s academic council. Instead of being a research topic, this seminar topic could be thought of as a teaching topic. The speaker's teaching and informative presentation provided an overview of the economic tools for managing pollution, including their design and management. Students were encouraged by this to enhance their skills and strive for better footsteps after their graduation.The Chair of this Program was the Head of the MPE Department Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed. The Vice Chancellor of AUST, Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi was the Chief Guest and the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman was present as the Special Guest. Besides, the faculty members and the students of AUST also attended the seminar.

2nd seminar of the series titled “Pathway to Research Culture”