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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2022-12-04

Students from level-3, term-1 re-designed “Smart Farming Machine” as a project in Product Design and Development Sessional

Although the world has advanced in modern science, in many countries’ agriculture is still lagging behind in modernity. Farmers still sow seeds by hand in the land, often loosening the soil. It also takes more time as they have to work extra hard. The purpose of creating smart farming machining is to do more work in less time, with less effort and increase the speed of production process. The features that will be in this machine are- seed sowing, digging the soil and watering. Having these features enables farmers to automatically plant seeds, dig the soil and irrigate the land as per their requirement with less effort. Which will increase the overall crop production. This machine will be made in such a way so that farmers of all walks of life can buy it at low prices. It will also be easily designed so that untrained farmers can use it easily. The smart farming machine will be driven by DC Motor. A battery powered DC motor will be used which will give rotating speed to the shaft or gear. When the seeds are placed in the hopper for planting and the motor is started, the seeds will fall to the ground through the pipe. It can run both manually & automatically. The battery runs the motor which will help the wheel to move. The seed falls on the ground due to vibration. A plough is used in front to make holes in the path where the seeds will fall. The pump nozzle is attached under the body which will water the soil. A controller is connected to control the speed.

Students from level-3, term-1 presenting “Smart Farming Machine”