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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2021-04-11

Webinar on “Uncertainties, Risk, and Disruption-Impact on Global Supply Chain”

-Arranged by IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter


On 11th April 2021 at 4.30 pm Bangladesh time, the IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter had organized a webinar on "Uncertainties, Risk, and Disruption – Impact on Global Supply Chain". It was held virtually via Zoom and was also streamed live on the Facebook page of the IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter. The chief guest for the event was our honorable Vice-Chancellor of AUST, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed, Professor and Head of the MPE Department of AUST and Chairman of the IEOM Society Bangladesh, was a special guest at the event. The guest speaker for the event was Ms. Marjia Haque, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of New South Wales, Australia. She is also an Assistant Professor on leave from the Department of MPE at AUST. We are very grateful to have them at our event.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi took out time from his busy schedule and was present during the whole event. The special guest, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed gave us an idea on Supply Chain Management (SCM) and shed some knowledge about the IEOM Society Bangladesh's role and infrastructure. After which our honorable guest speaker, Ms. Marjia Haque, gave her insightful and interactive presentation on the particular topic. She discussed the basic concepts of SCM, then compared traditional and modern supply chains, after that, provided an overview of the global supply chain. Consequently, she demonstrated various mathematical models of the supply chain, the interrelationships between uncertainties, risk, and disruptions, the impact of uncertainties and disruptions on the global supply chain, and mitigation strategies. In the end, Ms. Marjia Haque mam solved all queries of the participants and gave a clear concept.

The event lasted for more than two hours with very interactive participation from all attendees. More than 120 participants had joined via Zoom Platform, and an additional 30 participants remained connected through Facebook live. The faculty members of AUST also attended and enjoyed the program. All participants will get benefitted from attending this webinar and this knowledge can be used in future. We also provide e-certificates to all the participant’s for their participation. The event was succeeded under the good guidance of Mr. Sayem Ahmed who is the Faculty Advisor of the IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter and Assistant Professor of MPE department, AUST.