Master of Science (MSc), (Mechanical Engineering), Bangladesh University of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Science (BSc), (Mechanical Engineering), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Honors and Achievements
Dean's Honor Award, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, 2017
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Turbulent Heat Transfer Enhancement in Tubular Heat Exchangers with Different Twisted Tape Inserts, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 2021. URL
Computational and Experimental Study of Frequency Dependent Impedance Response of Epoxy-Tin Composite, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 2021. URL
Enhancement of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer over Plain and Rough Cylindrical Tubes, International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2021. URL
Waste heat of a brick kiln – an opportunity of power generation, Journal of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, 2019, MAT Journals. URL
Conference Proceedings
Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement in Tubular Heat Exchanger with Twisted Tape Inserts, International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering, 0. URL