Master of Science (MSc), ((Manufacturing)), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia)
Bachelor of Science (BSc), (Industrial and Production Engineering), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Honors and Achievements
Malaysian Govt. Scholarship through FRGS Grant, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (MALAYSIA), 2019
Book Chapter
Review of the developments in composite materials over the last 15 years, Comprehensive Materials Processing, 2023, Elsevier. URL
Journal Article
Effects of Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) on Surface Roughness in Milling Al Alloy 383 / ADC 12 Using Nano Hybrid Cutting Fluid, EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, 2022.
Synergistic effects of tubular halloysite clay and zirconium phosphate on thermal behavior of intumescent coating for structural steel, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, Elsevier. URL
Fire-Resistant Properties of Modified Epoxy Based Intumescent Fire-Retardant Coating: Hybridizing of Oyster Shell Powder with Glass Frit, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vo. 1176 (1), 2021, 2021. URL
Effects of Waste Glass Powder Filler on Intumescent Coating for Steel Structures Application, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1176(1) 2021, 2021. URL
Analysis of Thermal Performance of Mica-Mineral Reinforced Intumescent Coating for Structural Steel Application, Transdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Green Technologies, Kyushu University, 2021, 2021, Transdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Green Technologies, Kyushu University. URL
Effect of Heat Resistant Coating on the Drilled Hole Quality of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite, Strain (2020): 530- 537., 2020.
Conference Proceedings
Gulshan Lake-an area of concern, probable threats and extreme consequences”-A case study, In International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering, 2015.
“ Analysis of Supply Chain Efficiency and Suggestions for improvement, A CASE STUDY ” Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial & Energy Engineering (ICMIEE), 2014. ISBN: 978-984-33-8429, ISSN: 2409-7365, 0.