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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2021-06-17

Webinar on “Structural Equation Modelling and Multiple Regression through Smart PLS Software”

-Arranged by IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter


The IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter hosted a webinar on “Structural Equation Modelling and Multiple Regression through Smart PLS Software” on June 17, 2021 at 3.00 p.m. Bangladesh time. It was held virtually through Zoom and was also broadcast live on the IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter's Facebook page. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi, our honored Vice-Chancellor of AUST, was the event's chief guest. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed, Professor and Head of the MPE Department at AUST and Chairman of the IEOM Society Bangladesh, was a special guest at the occasion. Dr. Ziaul Haque Munim was the event's guest speaker. He is an Associate Professor in Maritime Logistics at the University of South-Eastern Norway. His main research interests include maritime economics and logistics, transport economics, supply chain management and international business. He received the Palgrave Macmillan Best Paper Award at the IAME 2016 Conference in Hamburg and, the KLU Young Researcher Best Paper Award at the IAME 2018 Conference in Mombasa. Dr Munim pursued PhD in International Management at the University of Agder. We were delighted to have them attend our event.

The program began with a welcome to all guests and a description of the roles played by the IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter for the betterment of students, as well as how the AUST Chapter provides learning and professional development opportunities for AUST students through different activities. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi sir then shared some insights and appreciated the entire IEOM Society AUST Chapter organizing team and was present during the whole event. Then, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed sir explained the roles of the IEOM Society Bangladesh and how the AUST chapter successfully hosted the first webinar and how the MPE department is so involved in all of the IEOM Society AUST Chapter's activities. After which our honorable guest speaker, Dr. Ziaul Haque Munim sir, gave his insightful and interactive presentation on the particular topic. Sir discussed regression before moving on to factor analysis and how to do it. Then he presented variable and conceptual framework, as well as how to build Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) through Smart PLS. Finally, he introduced the Smart PLS software and demonstrated how to use it.

The event lasted over two hours, with the active participation from all the attendees. More than 80 participants had joined via Zoom Platform, and an additional 20 participants remained connected through Facebook live. Some of the faculty members of AUST were also attended, as well as other faculty members from international university and other universities were also present during the webinar. Attending this webinar will benefit all participants, and the knowledge gained will be useful in the future. We also issue all participants with e-certificates for their participation. This webinar was a success with the continual direction and assistance of Mr. Sayem Ahmed sir, Faculty Advisor of the IEOM Society AUST Student Chapter and Assistant Professor of MPE department, AUST.