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Department of

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Date: 2012-10-20

Achievement of students of EEE Department of AUST

Achievement of students of EEE Department of AUST
Redwan Ferdous is receiving Award of 1st Runner Up in the Section of Hardware Implementation & Showcasing from The Honourable Vice-chancellor of KUET


Redwan Ferdous, 4th year student of EEE department  of Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST) has secured 1st Runner up� position among 40 different teams in the section of Hardware Implementation & Showcasing in the event of 1st ever technology based competition in the premises of Khulna University of Science & Technology (KUET) on 28th & 29th September, 2012. His project was about the Compact & Cost Effective Project Board. This is mainly an upgraded & cost-effective version of traditional Trainer Board used in Circuit & Digital Electronics Lab. His project has been awarded because of making this kind of expensive hardware more cost-effective and  for implementing some unique features that were never implemented in one fabricated board earlier.

More than 250 students from 22 different universities participated in the different events i.e. Hardware Implementation & Showcasing, Software Exhibition, Specified Problem Implementation, SUDOKU Challenge etc. The inaugural program was held in presence of the Honorable Mayor of Khulna city and faculty members of KUET. The closing and the prize giving ceremony was held on the last day of event where the chief guest was Prof. Dr. Muhammed Alamgir, Honorable Vice-Chancellor of KUET.

It may be mentioned that the 1st prototype version of his project was awarded Champion in AUST EEE Festival, Fall -11 semester. This project is in process of PATENT under the copyright law of Bangladesh

Achievement of students of EEE Department of AUST