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Department of

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Mr. Imran Rahman

Designation: Lecturer Grade-I


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Room No: 4A07

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Research Interests

  • Computational Intelligence
  • Smart Grid
  • Optimization

Educational Background

  • Master of Science (MSc), (Electric Vehicle, Optimization), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc), (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh

Honors and Achievements

  • Sanggar sanjung & School/Centre/Institute Award in Majlis Persada Kencana, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 2019
  • USM GLOBAL FELLOWSHIP, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 2016
  • Bangladesh Government Scholarship for obtaining GPA 5.00 in H.S.C, Notre Dame College, Dhaka, 2007
  • Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Scholarship during Bachelor of Science, Islamic University of Technology (IUT), 2007
  • Bangladesh Government Scholarship for obtaining GPA 5.00 in S.S.C, Cumilla Zilla School, 2005
  • Junior Scholarship (Talent-pool), Comilla Zilla School, Cumilla, 2002


Book Chapter
Journal Article
  1. A Review on Pluggable Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging Station for Smart Grid Integrating Renewable Energy, Southeast University Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022, Southeast University. URL
  2. Reactive Power Optimization Using New Enhanced Whale Optimization Algorithm, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC), 2022, IGI Global. URL
  3. Hybrid Computational Intelligence Methods for Power System Optimization, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP).
  4. An overview of electric vehicle technology: a vision towards sustainable transportation, Book: Intelligent transportation and planning: breakthroughs in research and practice, 2018, IGI Global.
  5. Hybrid bio-Inspired computational intelligence techniques for solving power system optimization problems: A comprehensive survey, Applied Soft Computing, 2018, Elsevier.
  6. A comprehensive review on theoretical framework-based electric vehicle consumer adoption research, International Journal of Energy Research, 2017, Wiley Online Library.
  7. Adoption of green fertilizer technology among paddy farmers: A possible solution for Malaysian food security, Land use policy, 2017, Elsevier.
  8. Adoption of PHEV/EV in Malaysia: a critical review on predicting consumer behaviour, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, Elsevier.
  9. A market modeling review study on predicting Malaysian consumer behavior towards widespread adoption of PHEV/EV, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, Springer.
  10. A new era of sustainable transport: An experimental examination on forecasting adoption behavior of EVs among Malaysian consumer, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2017, Elsevier.
  11. Novel metaheuristic optimization strategies for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: A holistic review, Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2016, IOS Press.
  12. Adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle among Malaysian consumers, Ind Eng Manage, 2016.
  13. On the performance of accelerated particle swarm optimization for charging plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2016, Elsevier.
  14. Review of recent trends in optimization techniques for plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicle charging infrastructures, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, Elsevier.
  15. Optimal power allocation scheme for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using swarm intelligence techniques, Cogent Engineering, 2016, Taylor & Francis.
  16. Swarm intelligence-based smart energy allocation strategy for charging stations of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Hindawi.
  17. Swarm intelligence based state-of-charge optimization for charging plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Energy and Sustainability V: Special Contributions, 2015, WIT Press.
  18. Technical challenges of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles deployment in smart electric grid, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 2015, Hikari Ltd..
  19. Prospect of Swarm Intelligence (SI) Techniques for the Charging Optimization of Electric Vehicles, Industrial Engineering & Management, 2015, OMICS Group.
  20. Optimisation of PHEV/EV charging infrastructures: a review, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2014, Inderscience Publishers Ltd.
  21. Optimized min-sum decoding algorithm for low density parity check codes, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2011, Science and Information (SAI) Organization Limited.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Technical and economic evaluation of a grid connected hybrid system in Gazipur, Bangladesh, 2024 7th International Conference on Development in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET), 2024, IEEE. URL
  2. Artificial fish swarm-inspired Whale Optimization Algorithm for solving multimodal benchmark functions, 10th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications, 2019, Springer.
  3. Optimization of Multimodal Benchmark Functions Using Fish Cooperative Hunting Behaviors, 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2019, IEEE.
  4. Development of Solar Powered Buggy Charging Station, MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018.
  5. Hybrid swarm intelligence-based optimization for charging plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2015, Springer, Cham.
  6. Intelligent energy allocation strategy for PHEV charging station using gravitational search algorithm, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2014, American Institute of Physics.
  7. Optimized min-sum decoding algorithm for low density pc codes, 2012 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2012, IEEE.
  1. Hybrid particle swarm and gravitational search optimization techniques for charging plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Book: Sustainable Infrastructure: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 2020, IGI Global. URL
  2. Plug-in electric vehicle charging optimization using bio-inspired computational intelligence methods, Book: Sustainable interdependent networks, 2018, Springer.
  3. An integrative approach to study on consumer behavior towards plug-in hybrid electric vehicles revolution: consumer behavior towards plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Book: Applied behavioral economics research and trends, 2017, IGI Global.
  4. Swarm intelligence-based optimization for PHEV charging stations, Handbook of research on swarm intelligence in engineering, 2015, IGI Global.