Ph.D, (Biomedical Engineering), The University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia
Master of Science (MSc), (Wireless Propagation), University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Bachelor in Engineering (BEngg), (EEE), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Honors and Achievements
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Monopole antenna array design for 3 T and 7 T magnetic resonance imaging, PLoS ONE, 2019. URL
Monopole Antenna Array with Individual Shields for Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2018. URL
An accelerated and accurate three-dimensional ray tracing using red-black tree with surface extraction and object skipping techniques, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, 2015.
Optical Nano Antennas: State of the Art, Scope and Challenges as a Biosensor Along with Human Exposure to Nano-Toxicology, Sensors, 2015.
Enhanced Seamless Handover Algorithm for WiMAX and LTE Roaming, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014.
An Optimized Indoor RFID Positioning System Using 3D Mobility Pattern, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014.
New Ray Tracing Method to Investigate the Various Effects on Wave Propagation in Medical Scenario: An Application of Wireless Body Area Network, The Scientific World Journal, 2014. URL
A Comprehensive Propagation Prediction Model Comprising Micro-Facet Based Scattering and Probability Based Coverage Optimization Algorithm, The Scientific World Journal, 2014. URL
Energizing Wireless Sensor Networks by Energy harvesting System: Scopes, Challenges and Approaches, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014.
Red-black tree based fast and accurate ray tracing for indoor radio wave prediction, Frequenz, 2013. URL
Investigation of a New 3D Intelligent Ray-Tracing Model, Wireless Personal Communication, 2013. URL
Efficient and accurate ray tracing method for indoor radio wave propagation prediction in presence of human body movement, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2013. URL
Nearest Object Priority Based Integrated Rough Surface Scattering Algorithm For 3D Indoor Propagation Prediction, China Communications, 2013.
Efficient Radio Propagation Prediction Algorithm Including Rough Surface Scattering with Improved Time Complexity, Progress in Electromagnetic Research-B, 2013. URL
An Optimized Binary Space Partitioning Algorithm for Designing Indoor Wireless Radio Network, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2013. URL
A comprehensive study of optimization algorithm for wireless coverage in indoor area, Optimization Letters, 2012. URL
Conference Proceedings
Monopole Antenna Array with Individual Shields for Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS, 2018.
Monopole antenna array for UHF magnetic resonance imaging, International Symposium in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017.
Enhancement the Handovers Accuracy and Performance of WiMax and LTE Networks, 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (ICCSCM 2014), 2014.
Investigation of the Effect of Human Motion on Indoor Radio Signal Propagation, 2nd International Conference on Power and VLSI Engineering (ICPVE'2013), 2013.