Master of Science (MSc), (Computer Science and Software Engineering), Concordia University, Montreal , Canada
Bachelor of Science (BSc), (Computing Science), Agustana Faculty, University of Alberta, Edmonton , Canada
Honors and Achievements
Travel Grant ACM SIGCOMM 2023, ACM SIGCOMM 2023, 2023
IEEE BDS Best Paper Award, 25th ICCIT 2022, Sponsored by IEEE Bangladesh Section, 2022
Travel Grant ACM SIGCOMM 2019, ACM, 2019
N2 women fellowship, MobiCom 2013, IEEE Computer Society, 2013
Alberta Intensive bursary, Government of Alberta, newline Alberta, Canada, 2011
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Efficient Feature Selection On Adversarial Botnet Detection, 2023.
Bangla News Popularity Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques, Available at SSRN 4096379, 2022.
Reducing the effect of imbalance in text classification using SVD and GloVe with ensemble and deep learning, Computing and Informatics, 2022.
Feasibility and Challenges of 5G Network Deployment in Least Developed Countries (LDC), Wireless Sensor Network, 2021, Scientific Research Publishing.
On constructing contention aware connected dominating sets for inter-connectivity among internet of things devices, International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security, 2019.
Improved Self Pruning for Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks , Wireless Sensor Ntework , 2017. URL
Analytical modeling of self-pruning and an improved probabilistic broadcast for wireless multihop networks, Ad Hoc Networks, 2016. URL
Conference Proceedings
Reduction of Packet Duplication in Broadcasting Inter Vehicular Information Using 5G Network., Advanced Information Networking and Applications. AINA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2021, Springer. URL
A novel FRTS/FCTS-based MAC Protocol for In-band Full-duplex Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, 2023.
Personality Prediction Based on Contextual Feature Embedding SBERT, 2023.
Transfer learning based Facial Emotion Detection for Animated Characters, 2022.
On Feature Selection Algorithms for Effective Botnet Detection, 2022.
A Multiclass Approach to Identify Misogynistic Bangla Text from Social Media, 2022.
CoWrap: An Approach of Feature Selection for Network Anomaly Detection, 2022.
A Comprehensive Approach to Enhance Dark Image Implementing Image Processing Techniques, 2022.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques For Genre Classification of Bangla Music, 2022.
Non-invasive Deception Detection in Videos Using Machine Learning Techniques, 2021.
Classification of Underrepresented Text Data in an Imbalanced Dataset Using Deep Neural Network, 2020.
Efficient Feature Selection for Detecting Botnets Based on Network Traffic and Behavior Analysis, 2020, Association for Computing Machinery. URL
On Efficient Selection and Orientation of Directional Sensors in Visual Sensor Networks, 2019.
Empirical Study on Personality Trait Classification by Food Related Preferences, 2019.
Analysis of CT Scan Images to Predict Lung Cancer Stages Using Image Processing Techniques, 2019.
Design and Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Multi-hop Networks, 2018.
Maximally pair-wise disjoint set covers for directional sensors in visual sensor networks, 2016.
Modeling and Analysis of Bi-Connected Minimum Energypath Preserving Graphs for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks, 2013, Association for Computing Machinery. URL