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Department of

Civil Engineering

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Matin

Designation: Professor


Office Extension:

Room No: CE#11

Research Interests

  • River Management
  • Hydraulics
  • Water Ways Engineering
  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • Hydraulic Structures
  • Urban Hydrology
  • River Engineering.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D, (Water Resources Engineering), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,UK
  • Master of Science (MSc), (in Water Resources Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology(BUET), Dhaka,Bangaldesh
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc), (in Civil Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Honors and Achievements

  • Commonwealth Scholarship, Awarded by Association of Commonwealth Universities, U.K, 1985


Book Chapter
Journal Article
  1. A study of bank line shifting of the selected reach of Jamuna river using multivariant regression model., J Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 2022, Haque. A and M. A. Matin,. URL
  2. Prediction of fluvial erosion rate in Jamuna River, Bangladesh, International Journal of River Basin Management, Taylor & Francis publication, 2022, Islam, M.S. and M. A. Matin. URL
  3. Experimental Study of flow and sediment distribution of Offtake Channel, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, IJESD, 2021, Malik, L. and M.A. Matin.
  4. Flume Study for the Prediction Threshold Velocity of Protection Elements of Revetment Works, Int. Adv. Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, Ahmed, T and M. A. Matin.
  5. An Assessment of Shrimp Aquaculture in Selected Coastal Areas of Bangladesh, Journal of NOAMI, 2016, Matin, M. A, Sudipta, C, M. Alamin, A, Ghosh.
  6. Response in the Selected Reach of Jamuna River Due to Dredging, Tech.Journal of River Research Institute, 2016, Mushfequzzaman, M., M.A. Matin, F. Noor.
  7. Hydraulic Analysis of Storm Diversion System (SDS) of Hatirjheel Begunbari Lake of Dhaka City, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2016, Malik, L. and M.A. Matin.
  8. Prediction of Sequent Depth Ratio of Hydraulic Jump in Sloping Channel with Sudden Drop, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2015, Matin. M.A and A. Sultana.
  9. Response of river flow regime to various climate change scenarios in Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin, Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science, 2013, Rajib Kamal, M. A. Matin, Sharmina Nasreen.
  10. "Application of 2D morphological model to assess the response of Karnafuli River due to capital dredging", Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science, 2013, Alam, S. and M. A. Matin.
  11. An Experimental study on settling velocity of regular shaped elements for underwater erosion protection, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2013, Raju, K. M. Ahtesham and M. A Matin.
  12. Numerical Modeling of bed level changes of alluvial river, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2010, Rahman, M. A and M. A Matin.
  13. An Assessment of local scour at flood plain and main channel of compound channel section, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2010, Roy, D and M. A. Matin.
  14. Assessment of Drainage Capacity and Navigability of Khals Connecting Balu River of Eastern Part of Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal of Water Resource Research,December, 2010, M. A. Matin, Salauddin, T and Sadeque. S.
  15. Experimental Study on Local Scour Around Pier like Structures at Flood plain of Compound Channel, Bangladesh Journal of Water Resources Research,December, 2009, Roy, D and M.A. Matin.
  16. Experimental study for sequent depth ratio of hydraulic jump in horizontal expanding channel, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2009, Hasan, R. M. and M.A. Matin.
  17. Experiment on hydraulic jump in sudden expansion in a rectangular channel, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2008, Matin, M.A, M.M.R.Hassan, M A. Islam.
  18. An Experimental Study of Local Scour at the Toe of Embankment, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2006, Hasan, R.M.M and M.A.Matin.
  19. Morphological assessment of Muhuri Accreted area in the Feni estuary, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2006, Matin. M. A and Baig, Z.U.
  20. Prediction Equation to Estimate the impact below Feni Closure, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2006, Matin. M. A and Baig, Z.U.
  21. Hydrologic and Hydraulic Aspects of Cox's Bazar Technaf Marine Drive Project, Journal of NOAMI, 2006, Matin, M.A Hossain M.M and B Nandi.
  22. Study of plotting position formulae for Surma basin in Bangladesh, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 2005, M.J.b Alam and Matin, A.
  23. Effect of submergence and slopes of polygonal under-gate sill on discharge characteristics of submerged subcritical flow, The Egyptian Journal for Engg., Sci. and Technology,January, 2002, Alhamid, A.A , Negm, A.M, G.M.Abdel AAa, Matin, M.A.
  24. Effect of Variable tail water on submerged supercritical flow below silled-Gates, Civil Engineering Research Magazine (CERM) Al-Azher University,Egypt, 2001, Alhamid, A , A.A. Negm, G.M. Abdwl-Aal and Matin, M.A.
  25. Fluvial stage discharge rating of the Wadi Hanifah main channel, Journal of King Saud Univ. Engg., Sci, 2000, Alhamid, A and Matin, M.A.
  26. Efficacy of van Rijn model over Engelund-Fredsoe model in the prediction of sediment transport, BORNEO SCIENCE, A Journal of science and technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 1999, Safiuudin,and M. A. Matin.
  27. Exponent of flow velocity for the transport of sediment in alluvial rivers, Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, 1998, K.C Dey, Mahmod S, M.A Matin.
  28. Estimating the effect of sediment withdrawal from alluvial channels, Sudan Engineering Society Journal,July, 1998, Matin, M. A , A.M Negm and A. A Alhamid.
  29. Sequent depth ratio of free hydraulic Jump in Suddenly expanding Channel, The Egyptian Journal for Engg., Sci. and Technology, 1997, Matin, M.A, Negm, A.M, Saaid, A.A, Alhamid, A.A.
  30. Floodplains of Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system: Eco-Morphological Aspects, Earth Journal,Autumn, 1996, Matin, M.A , and M. Shahjahan.
  31. Assessment of dispersion coefficient and pollutants along the Pussur estuary, Journal of National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute,December, 1996, Matin, M. A , A. Rahman and M.M. Hossain.
  32. Regime approach for the prediction of alluvial channel geometry, Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, 1996, Matin,M.A.
  33. Sediment characteristics of the rivers in Atrai basin, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, April, 1994, Matin, M. A and Mohiuddin , F.A..
  34. Application of NAM rainfall runoff model in Northwest region of Bangladesh, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, 1993, Matin, M. A and Rahman S.M.M.
  35. Non-dimensional functional approach for the prediction of channel geometry in alluvium, Journal of Indian Water Res. Soc,January-April, 1993, Matin, M.A and Barr, D.I.H.
  36. Appraisal of seasonal variation of mean water level along the coast of Bangladesh, Journal of National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute, 1992, Matin, M.A and Hossain, M.M.
  37. Study of long duration rainfall data for North- West region of Bangladesh, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, 1992, Matin, M.A , Ahmed, T and Ahmed S.M.U.
  38. Short term morphological changes of the Pussur-Estuary., Journal of National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute, 1990, Hossain, M.M, Matin, M.A. and Shahjahan, M..
  39. Evaluation of two approaches for the prediction of channel geometry in Alluvium, Bangladesh Journal of Water Resources Research, 1990, Matin, M.A . and Islam, M.A.S.
  40. Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency Relationship for the N-E Region of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Water Resource Research, 1984, Matin, M.A . and Islam, M.A.S.
  41. A study of daily rainfall for the North-Eastern zone of Bangladesh., . Bangladesh Journal of Water Resource Research, 1983, Matin, M.A . and Ahmed, S.M.U..
Conference Proceedings
  1. Synthesized Fluvial Stage Discharge and Sediment Rating of Jamuna River At Bahaduarabad, Proceedings of 7 th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development-2024, 2024.
  2. Assessment of Hydro-morphological Regime of Selected Reach of the River Jamuna, ICWFM, 2023.
  3. Hydrodynamic Modelling of the tidal river using the RIVER FLOW2D, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2020), 2020, Akramul Haque and M.A.Matin.
  4. Hydrologic Simulation of Kushiyara-Barak River Basin Outflow at Sheola,Sylhet Using ArcSWAT, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), BUET, 2019, Razy, F,M and M.A. Matin.
  5. Hydrologic study of the Sangu River, Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Water Resources Engineering, 2018 (NCWRE-2018),CUET, 2018, Chowdhury,S and M. A. Matin.
  6. Fluvial stage and sediment discharge rating with possible maximum scour prediction of a selected reach of Jamuna river, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2018),KUET, 2018, Badhon, M.Z and M. A. Matin.
  7. Hydro-morphological Assessment of the River Jamuna and Old Dhaleshwari offtake, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2018),KUET, 2018, Ahsan,Tasmiah and M.A Matin.
  8. Assessment of drainage capacity of Chaktai and Rajakhali Khal in Chittagong City and Inundation of adjacent urban areas, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2018),KUET, 2018, Mahmood, Faisal, and M. A. Matin.
  9. Hydrodynamic Assessment of Old Dhalaeswary Off take using HEC-RAS, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2018),KUET, 2018, Ahsan, T and M.A. Matin.
  10. Fluvial Stage-Discharge Rating of a Selected Reach of the Jamuna River, Civil and Water Resources Engineering Conference, 2017.
  11. Hydrodynamic study of the Sangu River, Proceedings of 14th Global Engineering and Technology Conference, BIAM Foundation, 2017, Chowdhury, S and A. Matin.
  12. A Critical Review of Shrimp Culture in Coastal Environment of Bangladesh, BAPA-BEN Special conference on Coastal and Marine Environment of Bangladesh, 2016, Matin, M. A, Sudipta, C, M. Alamin, A, Ghosh.
  13. Hydraulic Analysis of Flow Over A Coastal Embankment, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development ICCESD-2016,KUET, 2016, Mowrin, A.N, and M.A Matin.
  14. Intense Storm runoff Routing of Hatirjheel-Begunbari lake of Dhaka city, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development ICCESD-2016,KUET, 2016, Matin. M.A , M. Moniruzzaman, M.S. Rowsan and S. Toushif.
  15. Assessment of Erosion Vulnerability Near The Hydraulic Structures by Comparing the Erosive Resistance of Non-Cohesive Soil with Flow Velocity, Proceedings 3nd International Conf. on Advances in Civil Engineeing (ICACE-2016), 2016, Musfequzzaman, F. Noor & M. A. Matin.
  16. Analysis of Rainfall Data for Generation of Intensity- Duration Relationships for Selected Urban Cities of Bangladesh, Proceedings 3nd International Conf. on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2016), CUET, 2016, Rimi,S.S and M.A. Matin.
  17. An approach for surface water quality improvement of rivers around Dhaka city for irrigation use, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development ICCESD-2014,KUET, 2014, Sumi, Sharmin Jahan and M. A Matin.
  18. Application of Mathematical Model for Dredging Response in Idealised Test Channel, Proceedings 2nd International Conf. on Advances in Civil Engineeing (ICACE-2014), 2014, Musfequzzaman,M, F. Noor, M.A Matin.
  19. Estimation and Management of Bridge Scour Around the Vicinity of Meghna-Gumati Bridge, Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (ICCIA-2013), 2013, Ahmed, M and M. A Matin.
  20. Modeling Monsoon flood flows of lower Meghna River Due to Climate change and Sea level Rise, Proceedings of International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (ICCIA), 2013, Rajib Kamal, M. A. Matin, Sharmina Nasreen.
  21. Application of Deflt3D Mathematical Model in the river Karnafuli for Two-Dimensional Simulation, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, CUET, 2012, Alam. S. and M. A. Matin.
  22. Assessment of Coastal Scour of Sandip Channel for Design of A Jetty, Proceedings 3nd International Conf. on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2016), CUET, 2012, Matin, M.A, M. Z. Abedin, A. N. Mowrin.
  23. River Dredging and Dredge Material management for its Beneficial use, Shamabartan Sharanka, BUET, 2011, Matin, M. A.
  24. Assessment of Hydrodynamic Behavioor of Surma River Due to the Construction Multiple Brdiges using HEC-RAS, Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference on Water and Flood management (ICWFM-2011), 2011, Kamal, R, Ishtiaque, K.S, M.A Matin.
  25. Application of Two Dimensional Mathematical Modelling for Decision Support in planning and Design of the Proposed Dharla Barrage, Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference on Water and Flood management (ICWFM-2011), 2011, Kanungoe, P, Matin. M. A , Haque, A.K.M.S.
  26. Generation of Inflow Hydrographs for A Selected Small Urban Catchment of Dhaka City, Proceedings 3nd International Conf. on Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE-2016),CUET, 2011, Khan, R,T and M. A. Matin.
  27. Computation of Velocity Distribution Coefficient in Dredged Channel, Proceeding of the 13 th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (ACFM), 2010, Kamal, R. and M. A Matin.
  28. A Scale Model Study of Flow Behavoir odf storm Diversion Structure, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Engineers Role in Developing Mega City , IEB, 2009, Matin, M. A and Rahman, M. A.
  29. Hydro-Morphological Change near Olde Bramhmaputra Offtake, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development ICCESD-2014,KUET, 2009, Noor, F, M. Mushfequazzaman, M. A. Matin.
  30. Experimental Study on the Improvement of Bank protection Structures under Wave action, Annual General Conf. of Canadian society of Civil Engineering , Alberta , Canada, 2005, Massom, S and M. A Matin.
  31. Model for depth ratio of forced hydraulic jump, Proceedings of the International Symposium of flow modeling and Turbulence Measurements (ISFMTM'98), Taiwan, China, 1998, Negm, A.M, M.A Matin , G.M Aal.
  32. Prediction of sequent depth ratio of hydraulic jump in abruptly expanding channels, Advances in Hydro-science and Engineering, 1998, Advances in Hydro-science and Engineering,.
  33. Discharge equation for free and submerged flow through combined weir, Proceedings of Al-Azher Engg. 3rd Int. conference (AEIC 97), 1997, Negm, A.M, M.A. Matin , A.Aal, A. Alhamid.
  34. Numerical simulation of relative bed level change of the river Ganges, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Fluid Mechanics, Dept. ME, BUET, 1995, . Matin, M.A and Islam, M.M.
  35. Collocation on irregular domain with adoptive hermite element family for transport problem, Proceedings of International Conference of Advances in Hydro-science and Engineering, 1995, M. A. Bhuiyan, Kabir, M.R, Matin M. A.
  36. Extremal method for assessing the morphological characteristics of alluvial rivers, Proceedings of International Conference of Advances in Hydro-science and Engineering, 1995, Matin, M.A and Haider, Z.
  37. Approaches for morphological predictions of river response, Proceedings of International workshop on morphological behaviour of major rivers in Bangladesh, 1994, Matin, M.A.
  38. An alternative approach for the prediction of channel geometry in alluvium, Second International Conference on River Flood Hydraulics, York, England, edited by W.R White and J.Watts, Published by John-Wiley and Sons, London, 1994, Matin, M.A, Nishat, A and Barr, D.I.H.
  39. Mean seal level punarnirdharan, Bengali Monthly Prakaushal Patra, 1993, Matin, M. A . and M.M. Hossain.
  40. The prediction of channel geometry in alluvium, Proceedings of the Seminar on Technology for Sustainable Development, AIT-BUET Programme, 1990, Matin, M.A. and Barr, D.I.H.
  41. River bank Stability Analysis for the Jamuna River under Various Static and Hydraulic Load Conditions., Proceedings of 7 th International Conference on advances in Civil engineering (ICACE-24), 0, ICACE 2024. URL