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Date: 2023-09-04

AUST Alumni of Department of Architecture has successfully attended the BASEhabitat International Summer School 2023 at Austria

AUST alumni Tofael Ahmed Akif of Department of Architecture (Batch-38) has successfully attended the BASEhabitat International Summer School on earthen and bamboo construction. BASEhabitat is a partner of UNESCO chair of Earthen Architecture and a studio at the Department of Architecture of the University of Arts Linz. It is concerned with sustainable architecture and the built environment, following ecologically compatible and socially just principles. A particular focus of the studio is on local, natural and affordable building materials, the participation of users and of those affected by planning and construction processes.

Tofael has completed his B.Arch. thesis on 2022, in which he focused on sustainable housing solutions for the Laleng community, one of Bangladesh's smaller ethnic groups. Due to his special interest in sustainable materials and accessing his thesis project, he was selected from 150 candidates worldwide to receive a substantial scholarship to attend summer school in Altmünster, Austria.

By attending the BASEhabitat International Summer School, he acquired a deeper understanding of affordable building materials and eco-friendly construction methods. The program's emphasis on low-cost and locally sourced materials aligns perfectly with his vision to provide sustainable housing solutions for Bangladesh's impoverished communities.