Privacy, health and well-being issues in builtform
Educational Background
Master of Architecture (M.Arch), (Housing), Department of Architecture, BUET.
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), (Thesis on Housing), Department of Architecture, BUET.
Honors and Achievements
AUST Internal Research Grant, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, 2024
AUST Internal Research Grant, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, 2023
AUST Internal Research Grant, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, 2022
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Unlocking Health Benefits: A Comparative Analysis of CSEB and Traditional Burnt Bricks in Bangladesh's Sustainable Building Practices., Journal of Chemical Engineering, IEB, 2024, The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) Chemical Engineering Division. URL
" THE QUALITY OF AFFORDABLE RENTAL ACCOMMODATION: A CASE STUDY ON FEMALE MIGRANT RMG WORKERS IN GAZIPUR, DHAKA, BANGLADESH". By Nusrat Wahid, Mahtab Hussain Siddiqui & Asma Siddiqua, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences ( IJHSS ), 2020. URL
Evaluating the Policy Outcomes for Urban Resiliency in Informal Settlements since Independence in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A review. By Ishrat Momtaz Badhan and Asma Siddika., Nakhara: Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 2019.
Current Trend of Income and its Impact on Affordability of Multi-Ownership Housing at Moghbazar, Dhaka. By Asma Siddika, Ishrat Momtaz Badhan, Nusrat Wahid., HBRP Publication: Journal of Housing and Advancement in Interior Designing, 2019. URL
Evaluating Rental Cost and Housing Ownership Affordability Criteria of Middle-Income Group in CBD-Tejgaon Residential Area Dhaka. By Ishrat Momtaz Badhan and Asma Siddika, HBRP Publication: Journal of Housing and Advancement in Interior Designing, 2019.
Social Interaction and Social needs in a Public Open Space: A review. By Asma Siddika and S.M. Arafat Hossain., HBRP Publication. Research & Reviews: Journal of Architectural Designing, 2019.
A Simulation Study of the Performance of Light-well in an Office Building to Improve the Luminous Environment by Inclusion of Useful Daylight. By Zannatul Ferdous and Asma Siddika., International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 2018, International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.
A study of the luminous environment in an office spaces at Dhaka city in Bangladesh. By Asma Siddika and Zannatul Ferdous., 2018, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.
Students’ Perceptions of Shared Living in a University Hostel at Dhaka, Bangladesh: A post occupancy evaluation. By Asma Siddika and Zannatul Ferdous., Nakhara: Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 2018, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University. URL
Conference Proceedings
Re-housing DCC cleaners and low-income people. By Prof. Dr. Shayer Ghafur and Asma Siddika., NEW AGE (online newspaper), 2014.
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