Ph.D, (Health Facility Planning and Design), MARU, London Metropolitan University (UK)
Master of Arts (MA), (Health Facility Planning and Design), MARU, London Metropolitan University (UK)
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), (Architecture), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Honors and Achievements
Chancellor Award for securing 1st Class 1st position in B.Arch, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 1985
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Low income Housing in Dhaka City- VasanTek Rehabilitation Project as a case, World Review of Business Research, 2012, World Business Institute, Australia..
Managing Architectural Education in Bangladesh- A need for a change, World Review of Business Research, 2011, World Business Institute, Australia..
Economical growth and Its Impact on Urban Road Development: The Case in Dhaka city, World Journal of Management, 2010, World Business Institute, Australia.
Contextual Mitigation Measures of Air Pollution by reducing Travel Demand, World Journal of Management, 2010, World Business Institute, Australia..
Conference Proceedings
Searching Demand of Profession from Architectural Education: An Evaluation Based Study, Proceedings: International Seminar on Architecture: Education, Practice and Research, 2012, Department of Architecture, BUET.
Need Assessment of Safety and Security Issues to be Addressed in Planning and Design of Public Primary Health Care Facilities in Bangladesh, Proceedings of 31th International Seminar for Public Health Group (PHG) of the Union of International Architects (UIA, 2011.
Architectural Education and Profession in Bangladesh: Feedback from Practice, Proceedings of Fifth FARU Conference 2011. Title of conference: “Architectural Education Encounters- Towards next century”, 2011, Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, University of Moratua, Sri Lanka..
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of a Designed Community Health Centre In Bangladesh- Lessons to be Learnt for Future Planning and Design, Proceedings of 30th International Seminar for Public Health Group (PHG) of the Union of International Architects (UIA), 2010, International Islamic University Malaysia. (IIUM).
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