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Date: 2015-06-20

Seminar on Architecture for Green Living

Artist and Architect Rafiq Azam ,works from natures inspiration with fusion of tradition. He  was the  key speaker in the seminar titled Architecture for Green Living held on 11th of June, 2015 at Prof. M.H. Khan Auditorium, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.

The Architect shared his concepts, philosophies and design process with the audience who were mostly students from different  architecture schools of Dhaka. As Chief Guest and Special Guest  Prof. M.H. Khan, Founder Vice Chancellor AUST and  Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Shafiullah, Vice Chancellor, AUST were present.  The Seminar was Chaired by Prof. Dr M.A Muktadir, Head Department of Architecture, AUST. 

The seminar became more vibrant  when the architect started to describe his inspirations through Lalon's Stories, Rumi's poetries and Jagadish Chandra Bashu's discovery. He represented his feelings  through the presentation of his architectural works,sketches and water-color paintings. Ar. Rafiq Azam also answered different questions of the listeners regarding the duties, liabilities, responsibilities,limitations and affordability of the architects . 

The program was concluded by handing over a set of books written by Professors from Architecture Department, AUST  to the Speaker Ar. Rafiq Azam by Prof. Dr M. A. Muktadir,Chair of the session. Thelively seminar  was arranged by the Convener Ar. Shehzad Zahir and Members: Ar.Naimul Aziz, Ar. Zishan F. Chowdhury and Ar. Jayedi Aman of Seminar & Workshop Arranging Committee, Department of Architecture and  was sponsoredby Shah Cement.